Here is an overview of Dansk Kennel Klubs board members. The board consists of 7 members, elected by the organisation's members. DKK's board members work voluntarily and without pay.
Out of the board's 7 members, 3 members represent the hunting breeds, 1 member represents the working breeds and 3 members represent the remaining breeds.
The board members are elected for a 4-year period by membership ballot. The candidates are found among the existing board members that are up for re-election and candidates suggested by the kennel club's members.
The board is responsible for the club's management and for making the decisions in cases that are not explicitly for the shareholder committee or a membership ballot. In this relation, the board can appoint a committee and hire the needed employees with pay.
All inquiries for the board is to be directed to the front office at DKK's address.
Jørgen Hindse
Member of the board since 1977, holding the presidency in all the years.
Has bred German Shepherds from 1970 to 1990. Has also had Welsh Corgi Pembroke and now a Cairn Terrier.
Member of the German Shepherd Club's breeding committee since 1971, editor of the German Shepherd club's member's magazine, member of the German Shepherd's board since 1973 and honorary member of the German Shepherd club.
Authorised judge for German Shepherds since 1975 and later a number of breeds in the FCI groups 1, 2 and 5. Has since 2006 been authorised as a group judge for these 3 groups and has judged in over 60 countries.
Through the years, Jørgen has been a member of a number of DKK's committees. Aside from being the president of DKK's board and business committee, he holds the presidency posts in the Health Committee, Working Dog Committee, Obedience Committee, Complaints Board and the FCI/NKU Committee, as well as being DKK's representative in Dansk Hunderegister's board (the Danish registration organisation for dogs).
He has also been president of FCI's Europe Section since 1991 and is also a member of FCI's board.
Wilfred Olsen
Elected for the board in 2011, representing the remaining breeds.
Henrik Johansen
Elected for the board in 2001, representing the hunting breeds.
Breeds Labrador Retrievers for showing and hunting under the kennel tag "Dee-Fair".
Birgit Seloy
Elected for the board in 2016, representing the remaining breeds.
Breeds Pugs under the kennel tag Seloy.
Judge for FCI groups 2, 3 and 9.
Harris Jensen
Elected for the board in 2016, representing the hunting breeds.
Works with pointing dogs and has himself had several breeds, but mainly Kleiner Münsterländer and English Setter.
Vibeke Rørdam
Elected for the board in 2020, representing the remaining breeds.
Dansk Kennel Klub
Parkvej 1
2680 Solrød Strand
56 18 81 00
CVR 11 88 18 15
Betalinger til Dansk Kennel Klub
Reg. nr.: 9070 Konto: 1639581302
IBAN-nr: DK3090701639581302