All members of DKK belongs to a region, determined by their home address. The regions are managed by a regional board that is responsible for the local DKK-activities, such as training, arranging competitions, shows, unofficial shows, and much more.
DKK is divided into 12 regions.
Covers the areas from postal code 1000 to 3699 and 3900 to 3999.
Postal code 4000-4639
Postal code 5000-5999
Postal code 6000-6792
Postal code 7000-7190, 7300-7323, 7361-7362, 8653-8654, 8700-8783
Postal code 8000-8300, 8305, 8310-8643, 8600-8680, 8791-8990
Postal code 9000-9990
Postal code 3700-3790
Postal code 6950-6990, 7470-7990
Postal code 4640-4999
Postal code 6800-6940, 7200-7280, 7330, 7400-7451
Faroe Islands
Dansk Kennel Klub
Parkvej 1
2680 Solrød Strand
56 18 81 00
CVR 11 88 18 15
Betalinger til Dansk Kennel Klub
Reg. nr.: 9070 Konto: 1639581302
IBAN-nr: DK3090701639581302