How to enter online - step by step

Here is a step by step-guide of the entry process for online entry to dog shows.

Step by step

  1. Log in to Hundeweb (through "Min side") and change the language to English (if you have not already done that)
  2. Click on "My page"
  3. Click on "Entries" in the panel on the right and choose "On-line entry for dog shows"
  4. Choose a dog show one of the three drop-down-menus
  5. Choose the dog you would like to enter. If you do not have any dogs - or the dog you would like to enter - connected to your Hundeweb-profile, choose "Enter another dog".
    1. When entering "another dog", enter the dog's registration number and click enter.
    2. If the dog is "unknown" to our database, click on "new unknown dog", click next and fill in your dog's data. Click "next".
    3. Upload your dog's pedigree and other champion title- or field trial-registrations, if the dog is entered in a class that conditions on such results.
  6. Upload your dog's pedigree and other champion title- or field trial-registrations, if the dog is entered in a class that conditions on such results.
  7. If the dog is "unknown" to our database, click on "new unknown dog", click next and fill in your dog's data. Click "next".
    1. Upload your dog's pedigree and other champion title- or field trial-registrations, if the dog is entered in a class that conditions on such results.
  8. Choose class. Click next.
  9. Choose whether you wish to receive a text message with your dog's critique (optional). Remember to change the country code. Click next.
  10. This page shows you the entered dog and its class. Click "Go to entry summary".
  11. Here the dog can be entered for juniorhandling, progeny group etc.
  12. If you wish to enter another dog for the same show, click on "Enter another dog".
    1. If you wish to enter a dog for another show, it is easier to complete the entering and payment for the first show.
  13. Follow the same procedure as with the first dog.
  14. When the entry of the second dog is complete, you arrive at the page with "Entries without discount".
    1. If you wish to receive the discount for entering the second dog, click on the first entered dog.
    2. Click on "Vælg tilmeldt hund" and choose the other entered dog in the drop-down-menu and click "Attach".
    3. Then you will return to the other page and the first dog will be listed under "Entries with second dog discount"
  15. Click "Go to entry summary".
  16. If you are done entering dogs, click on "Go to shopping trolley".
  17. Check off the box that you are acquainted with DKK's show regulations.
  18. Click on "Go to payment".
  19. Fill you your payment information and click "Pay by credit card". Note that your entry is not valid before your payment information are filled out and the payment has been registered.
  20. If you have trouble entering your dog, send a mail to

For a more visual guide through the entry process, you can watch a video-guide here.

Kontakt DKK

Dansk Kennel Klub
Parkvej 1
2680 Solrød Strand
56 18 81 00
CVR 11 88 18 15


Betalinger til Dansk Kennel Klub
Reg. nr.: 9070 Konto: 1639581302
IBAN-nr: DK3090701639581302
SWIFT-kode: VRSPDK22 Handelsbetingelser Fortrydelsesformular

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