Kædebrev og DKK´s holdning til WDS i Kina
Som følge af at have modtaget utallige mails med samme ordlyd den seneste uge, vil vi fra DKK´s side endnu en gang understrege DKK´s holdning til afholdelsen af WDS i Kina i 2019:
DKK tager skarp afstand fra brug af hunde som mad og tager afstand fra den groteske behandling, som hunde - især i forbindelse med Yulin Dog Meat Eating Festival - kan blive udsat for i Kina.
DKK tager i det hele tager skarpt afstand fra overgreb på hunde og andre dyr i hele verden.
DKK stemte ikke for den Kinesiske Kennel Union, CKU, som arrangør af World Dog Show 2019, men CKU vandt retten til at arrangere WDS 2019 ved demokratisk afstemning blandt FCI´s medlemslande. Ingen talte imod dette under generalforsamlingen.
DKK respekterer det demokratiske flertals beslutning, og DKK opfordrer de øvrige medlemsklubber i FCI til at støtte op om CKU’s bestræbelser på at få forbedret vilkårene for hunde generelt i Kina og i særdeleshed at få forbudt Yulin Dog Meat Eating Festival.
Den enkelte udstiller - og hvert enkelt medlem af DKK - afgør helt selv, hvorvidt vedkommende ønsker at deltage på udstillingen i Kina. Vi kender pt. ikke til danskere, der har i sinde at deltage på udstillingen.
Der er ingen danske dommere, der skal dømme ved WDS i Kina, og Dansk Kennel Klub deltager ikke med nogen stand ved WDS i Kina.
Chain letter regarding the WDS in China
After receiving numerous e-mails with the same wording in the course of the last week, the DKK will once again emphasize the DKK's position regarding the WDS in China in 2019:
The Danish Kennel Club, the DKK, take issue with and firmly reject the use of dogs as food and distance ourselves from the grotesque treatment that dogs can experience in China, especially in relation to the Yulin Dog Meat Eating Festival.
In general, the DKK take sharp issue with any kind of abuse of dogs and other animals in the world.
The DKK did not vote for the Chinese Kennel Union, the CKU, as the host of World Dog Show 2019, but, nevertheless, the CKU won the right to host WDS 2019 through a democratic vote among the member countries of the FCI. No one spoke against this at the FCI General Assembly.
The DKK respects the democratic majority vote and the DKK encourages the additional member clubs in the FCI to support the CKU’s efforts to improve the general conditions for dogs in China and, in particular, the banning of the Yulin Dog Meat Eating Festival.
The individual exhibitor – and the individual members of the DKK – decides for themselves, whether they want to participate in the show in China. Currently, we do not know of any Danish exhibitors that are planning to participate in the show.
No Danish judges will attend or judge at the WDS in China and the Danish Kennel Club will not be attending the show with a roadshow stand.